Frequently Asked Questions
2025 Awards FAQS
Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions about the Awards. If you need any further help please contact a member of the team at [email protected] or call +44 (0)1628 642910.
Q: Who can apply for the Awards?
A: The World Post & Parcel Awards recognise best practice in the global mail and express industry. They are open to application by national and private postal operators, systems integrators, couriers, delivery companies, mail houses, technology & solutions providers and domestic carriers.
Q: Why should I apply for the Awards?
A: The World Post & Parcel Awards are the best known Awards in the mail and express industry and are the ultimate recognition for any new product, initiative, or postal reform. The Awards are presented at a Gala Dinner attended by the senior players of the global mail and express industry, so it’s a great way to get the recognition of both colleagues and customers. The event is extensively marketed worldwide so it’s the ideal way of making the industry aware of your initiatives and successes.
Q: How do I apply for the Awards?
A: Applications are accepted via an online form on this website. If you have any problems with the online form or need help with the application, feel free to contact the World Post & Parcel Awards team. Applications open from 2nd December 2024 until 14th March 2025 and the Awards Winners will be announced on 17 June 2025.
Q: What are the Awards criteria?
A: Awards criteria can be found here.
Q: How much is it going to cost?
A: To apply for an Award is free of charge.
Q: Which Award should I apply for?
A: You should read the descriptions of the Awards categories carefully and apply for the one that you feel best reflects the product or initiative you wish to submit. If you are still unsure which category is right for you, contact the World Post & Parcel Awards team and we can help you to select the right category for your application.
Q: Can I apply for the Industry Leadership award?
A: This Award is open for public nomination only, following which a panel of previous winners of the Industry Leadership Award will select the 2025 winner. Please note nominations for the Industry Leadership Award close on 14th March 2025.
Q: Can I apply for more than one Award?
A: Yes. The same initiative can be entered in two categories. If you feel that your application is appropriate to two categories then please submit it for both. To do so, simply select which two categories you would like to submit your entry under when starting your application. You cannot apply for more than two Awards with the same initiative.
Q: Can I Enter my client or another third party for an Award?
A: Yes. If you would like to enter a company other than your own for an Award, submit an application through the normal means. Please make sure that the party you are nominating agrees to be nominated.
Q: Can I submit product samples, brochures or other documents to support my application?
A: Please do not submit any physical supporting documentation or product samples with your initial application. It is not possible for us to distribute these to the judges. You may submit a maximum of 5 pieces of electronic material which must not exceed 5MB in size and these can be uploaded with your application. Ideally, your written application should contain enough information for the judges to make a decision. If you wish to supply additional information your application may contain links to a website which the judges can view for more information.
Q: What sort of testimonials should I provide?
Q: Can I modify my application?
A: No, you cannot modify your application once it has been submitted online. You are able to save your application for 30 days before submitting it online, giving you plenty of time to make any changes or amendments prior to submitting it. Alternatively, you can use our offline entry method to submit your application using a Word document. If you have any questions about your application please contact [email protected].
Q: Can I resubmit last year’s application?
A: Yes, however, it is always preferable if you can update the application with relevant successes from the last year.
Q: How are the winners chosen?
A: Each Award has a panel of industry experts who act as judges. The judges come from various parts of the world and do not meet in person. The shortlisted candidates are chosen by a vote of the judges after viewing the applications on-line. The judges will decide a winner only hours before the Gala Dinner from among the shortlist. Once the shortlist has been selected, the judges may ask you for more information to help them make a decision. If this is the case, you will be contacted by a member of the World Post & Parcel Awards team.
Q: What are the judges looking for?
Q: When will the shortlist be announced?
A: The list of finalists will be announced in April 2025.
Q: What happens if I am shortlisted for an Award?
A: If your application makes the shortlist, you will then be invited to register for the Winners Announcement, you will be also be asked to prepare an acceptance speech.
The World Post & Parcel Awards is brought to you by Triangle, the provider of value added specialist services to the mail and express industries. Find out more at